Halloween Riddles for Everyone

Halloween is such a fun time of the year. Here are just a few riddles I’ve come across that I would like to share. Sure they are groaners, but your kids will love them J

How do bats learn to fly?
Answer: They take batting lessons.

What do lady ghosts put on their skin?
Answer: Vanishing lotion

How do you make a witch stew?
Answer: Make her wait!

What do Ghost’s wear when their eye sight is failing?
Answer: Spookicles

Why do skeletons always catch a cold?
Answer: the get chilled to the bone.

What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
Answer: Necktarines

What did Dr. Spook give the witch who had a sore throat?
Answer: Coffin Drops

If you worked in a mortuary, what would you call your free time?
Answer: Coffin Break

What do you get when you cross a witch with an iceberg?
Answer: A cold spell

What is a skeleton's favourite instrument?
Answer: The trombone.

Who did Dracula bring to the prom?
Answer: His ghoul friend

What is the problem with two twin witches?
Answer: You never know which witch is which!

How do phantoms travel?
Answer Ghost to ghost.

What do you call candy corn?
Answer: Pumpkin poop!

What did the pumpkin need for its boo boo?
Answer A pumpkin patch.